
Sunday, January 9, 2011


well, now i know who i want to go the the Winter Formal with. weather or not he will actually ask me is another thing, but, as stated above, his name is Trevor. I decided to go to the skating rink at school for a little extra pratice this afternoon (they host public skating on weekends) against my better judgement because i knew it would be packed, and when there are a lot of people arround it is really hard for me to pratice, but i really wanted to skate, so i went anyway. when Meline pulled up to the parking lot, it was way busier than i expected, but i decided to stay. the problem is that i forgot how many boys skate arround like crazy hockey players assuming everyone will move out of thier way. that drives me CRAZY!!! I don't have anything against hockey or hockey players, after all, i used to be one. I just mind people who skate like them during public sessions. after skating arround for about a half hour and observing that there was a group of little boys (probably 9 or 10) and a bunch of teenage boys who go to my school who were skating like hockey players. i skated arround a few more times, and the next thing i know, the teenagers come barreling at me. i managed to avoid all but the last, who crashed into me and we both fell. He had dark hair and green eyes and looked very strong, as most hockey players are. he got up instantly and then helped me up
"are you ok?" he asked, sounding pretty concerned
"yeah, I'm fine, I'm a figure skater, so i am pretty used to falling" i said with a laugh
"you're a skater?"
"yeah, since i was about ten"
"do you play hockey or do you just like to skate arround like a mainac?"
"yeah, i am on the team here, it's also where i go to school. where do you go?"
"I go here, I am part of the skating program. I'm Mia, by the way"
"I'm Trevor. do you like hockey?"
"actually, i used to play it, my older brothers were all on teams, and i was too, untill i decided to stop skating in thier shadows and do my own thing"
"cool. well, I should probably go, see you arround Mia." he said with a smile as he skated off.

we both contued skating for a while, and waved at each other somtimes when we passed. when I landed my Waltz jump, he gave me a thumbs up. not long after, I went home. i can't wait for school tomorrow to see him again!

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